El tiempo presente
25 Common Stem-changing Verbs Flashcards
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How to form the Present tense of Stem-changers
Stem-Changers have regular verb endings, the only difference is that the "stem" or "root" of the verb is going to have a small change. There are three types of "stem-changing" verbs; e --> ie e-->i o-->ue Students will know if a verb is a stem-changer because in the dictionary it will indicate if it is (i.e. pedir (i); pensar (ie); poder (ue)). The letter that will always get the stem-change will be the second vowel from the ending. pedir (i) pensar (ie) poder (ue) Not every form of the verb will be stem-changed, it is only the 1st Person Singular (YO), 2nd Person Singular (TÚ), and the 3rd Person Singular & Plural (Él, Ella, Usted, Ellos, Ellas, Ustedes). Many call it the "Boot" because of where it lies on the verb chart the the image it makes. Pedir (i) = to ask for/orderPensar (ie) = to think/planDormir (ue) = to sleep |