ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines![]() This website gives an explanation of the levels that a language learner can achieve with proficiency in the language. It also contains examples and information for language learners so they can identify what level of they would potentially place at in Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening.
AAPPL![]() The AAPPL Measure provides seamless, realistic role-play scenarios using high-quality audio and video that create real-world tasks for students. Test takers are greeted by a video of their teacher who guides them through their day in a Standards-based classroom.
This website has great information and resources for teachers of World Languages to help them improve instruction in the classroom. It's focus aligns with the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines and provides many links and resources that help teachers align what their doing in a way that helps them focus on proficiency.
Read in Spanish: 30+ Resources for Spanish Reading Practice (Beginner to Intermediate)Access to other resources for Spanish ReadingsKids Picture Dictionary |
This website has resources to help teach various grammatical concepts and is categorized according to grammatical concepts. It also provides videos, music etc to enrich lessons for students.
Aromored Penguin![]() This is a great website for creating Word Searches, Word Puzzles, Crossword Puzzles, etc. for students to use vocabulary and use it.
HispanetBYU has made available many of the resources that were created by pre-service teachers in their program to help share out to all teachers who teach Spanish. There are cultural awareness activities, cultural simulations, and presentations on various topics that are available for free.
This website is maintained and provided by the University of Texas. It provides a variety of listening activities for different levels on the Proficiency Guidelines
This is a great website that has many ideas and resources for embedding reading into your daily activities. It shows you how to break down a complex article or story into easy to understand steps. Students read a simplified version and then there are subsequent versions that increase in details until they are able to comprehend the original story.
This is a website that has many resources for learners of a second language. It is a paid subscription website, but there are some resources or ideas that are available that can be replicated for use in the classroom. It uses authentic videos and develops vocabulary and assessments based on those videos.
This is great tool that can be used to randomly pick students to answer questions OR put a list of topics for students to talk about in the target language with a partner. You are able to create your own categories and save them. Click on the link above for more information about the website and ideas on how to use it!
This website is dedicated to the learning of the Spanish language and provides resources in Grammar and vocabulary for the teacher and the student of the language. One particular page has a variety of vocabulary regarding Saludos y despedidas with some great inforgraphics to explain concepts about when to use certain expressions.
This is a great website that will allow students to take a test to assess their abilities in the language of their choice and is measured against the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines. They offer French, German and Spanish.
The Spanish department for Colby University has done an excellent job of sharing some of their Spanish resources. Digital practices range from the present tense to the Subjunctive and allow students and teachers to get instant feedback about their choice of response.
This website has a series of writing prompts that are open enough to allow students to really demonstrate their knowledge of the language, yet focused enough that the teacher can identify the topic.
Spanish Reader is a sister website with "Refranes" that has articles that are catered for Spanish language learners. There are articles for all levels that can be used to help engage them in the language and students can have it read to them! This way they can follow along in the reading with the auditory piece.
SPANISH PLAYGROUNDThis website has ideas of themes for teaching children Spanish.
SPANISH TALES FOR BEGINNERSThis link will take you to a website that has a digital book with stories meant for beginning Spanish Speakers.
"IN selecting these Spanish Tales for Beginners, three objects have been kept in view: (1) that they be good literature, (2) that they portray modern Spanish life, and (3) that they be interesting and not too difficult in language and thought." |
This website provides several themed images to help students use vocabulary in a meaningful context and expand their communicative ability. These can be used for all levels of Spanish, and are great tools for review.
Me encanta escribir en españolThis website provides several resources that are categorized by concept and cultural videos for use in the classroom with some already prepared lesson activities to accompany them. These activities focus on the writing aspect of the language, but they can also be modified to encourage speaking from the students.
CelebrateLanguages.COM![]() This website provides a wealth of videos and enrichment activities for students to increase their learning of the Spanish language. The activities provide vocabulary that is highlighted in the video, and the video can be set to provide subtitles in English, Spanish or both for the listener/viewer.
This website is a combination of a blog and a resource page. It provides additional activities that a Spanish teacher can take back to his/her classroom to help engage students in the language.
This website with a variety of free activities to learn Spanish. Many of the activities are categorized according to levels in the proficiency guidelines, as well as according to holiday's and whether you want to print them off or use a mobile device.
This website has many resources for embedded reading, culture and a blog for improving literacy in the language. There is a store where teachers can purchase various products to help aide them in the lesson planning process and find various stories to add depth to the lessons.
World Languages Classroom is a great resource for language teachers to get ideas on different activities that can be used in the classroom to improve proficiency in the language.
VeinteMundos is a great website with articles written in Spanish for those that are learning the language. It contains various articles that can be used to capture the attention of students and get them to speak in the target language on topics of interest.
La Dama del Alba is a play written by Alejandro Casona in 1944 and is a popular read among those that are being introduced to the language and have had enough years of experience with the language that they are able to understand it at a higher level. This website has resources and assessments to aide the teacher in exploring the world that Casona has presented to its readers to help them fully understand the culture and imagery of the time.
Babilingua is a great website that provides various resources for the Spanish Teacher. The individuals that put it together are from Spain and were frustrated with the trouble they had finding materials to supplement their teaching that was both relevant and meaningful for the students. So, they made their own videos and interviews with real people on the streets of Spain, integrating culture with content. There is a cost, but it is minimal and includes many instructional materials. The teacher looking to purchase can preview the content to see if it is going to work with the curriculum that they have.
This is a great resource for those that are looking to infuse some cultural sayings to help engage the students in the nature of language. Every country and region has their sayings that are unique to their area that drive home a point. Here you will find some sayings that are familiar to the ones we use in English as well as some unique sayings specific to that particular region.
This is a link to a website that has available quick ways of identifying cognates in Spanish. It is a tool for students to reference and aide them in their efforts to maximize their time with learning the language by quickly identifying those words that are cognates.
This is website is a dictionary that contains about 3,000 words and their etymology (where did they come from and what other languages influenced them).
Small Town Spanish Teacher This is a great website to find beginner readings and stories that are told by the teacher herself. She has a podcast,